North Clarion County School District

Mrs. Kristen Post - English
Wednesday, Jul 29, 2020

I offer a variety of learning and assessment experiences in my classroom.  I encourage students turn in their assignments on time and do their best with the required content throughout the quarter rather than relying on bonus for last minute grade boosts.  However, I know some students like to challenge themselves with optional bonus experiences, while others may need occasional assistance for their grades.  Below are some bonus opportunities available.  (This list will be edited as deadlines pass and new experiences arise)

I cap bonus at 10 extra AR points and 10 other bonus points per quarter for a total of 20 possible bonus points per quarter (80 in a year).  Take advantage of the variety of opportunities available!  Please do NOT wait until May to try to turn your grade around--there are no May miracles.  You'll need to complete your work and any bonus you wish to add as it becomes availble throughout the year.

Occasionally additional bonus is offered on tests or assignments, but below are the stand alone bonus options that students can take advantage of.


Current Bonus Opportunities:


  • Anyone: Book Bingo.  This counts toward both bonus AND AR Dinos for the AR Dino drawing.  This is due anytime before May 24. Book Bingo
  • Read extra AR.  After turning in your required quarterly AR, if you score 80% or higher on additional tests you can earn bonus for up to 10 bonus points per quarter (5 for 100%, 4 for 90%, 3 for 80%; multiple bonus books possible).  This counts toward bonus AND AR dinos for the AR Dino drawing.  This can be done anytime before May 24.
  • Anyone: Take down all the classroom posters/signs and help me take down the materials that are above the windows.  
  • Grade 7: Tuck bonus Google Question (3) due May 22
  • Grade 8: Newbery bonus Google Slides (6) due May 22


Old Opportunities (too late now, deadline has passed):

  • Grade 8: Put up the Fall Into a Good Book bulletin board.  Up to 3 points possible.
  • Grade 8 Only: We won't be starting our Holocaust-based passages until later in the school year, but there's a presentation from the Eldred World War II Museum coming up at the Marienville Area Library that could be interesting for you.  8th grade students who attend should take a picture of themselves at the event and write up a paragraph about what they learned in order to earn 5 bonus points.  It is on September 22 at 6pm.  See the Forest Press or contact the Marienville Area Library for more information.
  • Grade 7 only: Pull any good fall or horror books from my shelves to display for Halloween season.  Arrange them on the top of the blue bookshelf.  Up to 3 points possible.  Due Sept. 27.
  • Grade 7 only: Do the p429 writing prompt by Sept. 27.  Must be at least 1/2 page.  Up to 5 bonus points possible depending on quality and whether or not you share it with the class.
  • Debate only: Complete the questions on pages 5 and 9 of Getting Started in Debate.  Due Sept. 27.
  • Anyone: Go to one of the fall festival book sales (Oktoberfest in Marienville, Apple Fest in Franklin, Autumn Leaf Festival Crafters Day in Clarion) or a used book store (Neverending Stories in Franklin, Fulmer House in Clarion, etc).  Take a picture of yourself with a book you're interested in purchasing (must be school appropriate).  Email me the picture at and I'll post it in the Book Recommendations on Google Classroom.  Due Oct. 3.  
  • Creative Writing only: Complete the Autumn Leaf Bonus prompt by Oct. 5 (see Google Classroom)
  • Grade 8: For your biography presentation (Oct. 17 periods 7 and 8, Oct. 18 period 1) dress as the person your biography project is about.  This is NOT an option for anyone whose person could be offensive (terrorists, dictators who hurt a lot of people, etc).  All outfits must be school appropriate.  Either wear it to school, change between classes, or bring something you can put on on top of your usual clothes.  Worth up to 5 points based on accuracy, creativity, effort, etc. Ex: putting on a Yankees cap for Derek Jeter would only get you 1 bonus point.  Putting on a full baseball uniform with a Yankees symbol added to it with cleats, a ball, a glove, and a helmet or hat--that would get you 5.
  • Anyone: wear a book character costume to the costume dance on Oct. 21.  Send me a picture of yourself in the costume with a description of who your character is and what book they are from.  Up to 3 bonus points.
  • Grade 7: Watch the Book Tok videos I posted in the AR section of Google Classroom, then make your own Book Tok video for your AR book.  Email it to me and I'll post it in Google Classroom for your classmates.  Due Oct. 27. Up to 5 points.
  • Anyone: On November 1 or 2 during activity period come take down the Halloween decorations and bulletin board, and then design a Veteran's Day window display--must be visible from both sides and cannot cover the full window.  Up to 6 points (3 for pulling down, 3 for putting up).
  • Anyone: Shelve the classroom library books that have been set out for Halloween (alphabetical by author's last name, just like in the library) and put on display any dealing with Native American history and culture OR Veterans Day, war, solders, etc.  Up to 3 points.
  • Debate Only: Complete the questions on pages 5 and 9 of Getting Started in Debate.  Due Nov. 15.
  • Grades 7 and 8 only: Turn in your AR points before Thanksgiving break--if you score at least 80% on the test and your books meets the minimum requirements, you can earn 2 bonus points for excellent time management and for giving yourself time for reading more bonus after the break. Due Nov. 23
  • Debate or Creative Writing: Christmas Film opinion piece bonus prompt--see the Google Classroom Stream for more details.  Due Nov. 23.  5 points possible per piece.  Only 2 writers are needed for this (or 1 willing to write both pieces), so please come see me soon if interested.
  • Grade 7 or 8: Take down the Fall Into a Good Book bulletin board and put up something winter-oriented.  This will need to be done by the end of the day Dec. 2.  
  • Grade 7 or 8: Put up the Christmas decorations 
  • Anyone: Shelve the November books that are on display and set out instead some books that take place in winter (Ex: The LIon, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Bloomability, etc)
  • Grade 7, Creative Writing, and Debate: make a Christmas card for me to send to nursing home residents in Marienville or Warren.  Make it neat , grammatically correct, and creative throughout.  (Grade 8 students are already doing this as a class assignment instead of bonus, but if yours is extra amazing I may provide an extra point for going above and beyond). Up to 3 bonus points.  Due Dec. 16.
  • Any: On December 15 when you dress like a Christmas character for the school spirit days, make that character one from a book.  Bring in the book (if you're using "A Christmas Carol" the grade 7 textbook will do the job) to show me that your character looks like the book illustration.  This is book based, not movie based, so for instance you'd be dressing like the original Dr. Seuss 1960's Grinch, not one of the newer movie versions, or you'd be dressing like an elf in a book you have at home, not just a random elf or the Will Farrell Elf.  Up to 3 bonus points depending on creativity, accuracy, etc.  
  • Any: Make a Book Tok video for a winter book.  You'll need to hold up the cover, tell us the title, author, and reading level, and explain what about this book makes it a good one to read during the winter.  Be enthusiastic so others want to read your book too!  Due Dec. 16.  Up to 3 bonus points possible. 
  • Submit a design to the Student Leadership Conference T-Shirt conference.  See the attached directions and form.  Due Dec. 22.  /files/user/31/file/T-Shirt%20Contest%20(3).pdf/files/user/31/file/Tshirt%20contest%20shirt%20design%20sheet.docx
  • Any: Put up the ICE bulletin board on the little one near my desk.  This only takes 1 person during study hall or activity period.  Due end of day Jan. 4, up to 3 bonus points.
  • Any: On January 3, 4, 5, or 6 take down the Christmas tree bulletin board and put up the world map in its place with my snowflake border. 2-3 people can come do this together during activity period. Up to 3 bonus points.  (Quinton and Cyrus already asked, but there's room for 1 more or if they choose not to do this others can take it)
  • Any: On January 3 or 4 take down and pack away the Christmas decorations up around the room.  2 people can come do this together during study hall or activity period. Up to 2 bonus points. (Sam and Colton have offered to do this)
  • Grade 7: Christmas Carol Edpuzzle (up to 5 pts) due Jan. 24.
  • Grade 8: Write a new ending to "The Monkey's Paw."  See Google Classroom for details.  Due Jan. 24.
  • Creative Writing: Attend the Clarion Free Library Open Mic event and send me a picture for 2 bonus points.  Stand up and perform an oral reading of one of your stories or poems and you can get 5.  The event is Jan. 21, so photo evidence is due by Jan. 24.
  • Grade 8: Do the cooking bonus connected wiht the January 25 remote day passage--due Jan. 26
  • Any: Complete the Winter Reading Challenge Winter Reading Challenge.  Due Feb. 28; 3 bonus points (more if you do the full form instead of the minimum 3).
  • Grade 7: see the prefix story bonus posted in week 27 of Google Classroom.  Due March 3.
  • Grade 7 Adversity Bonus--due March 24--see Google Classroom for details.
  • Grades 7 and 8: AR Photo bonus--due March 24; see Google Classroom for details.  1st 2 students can get additional bonus for making the door display
  • Creative Writing: Bonus poem due March 15.  See Google Classroom for details
  • Grade 8: Take down holiday posters and snowflake bulletin board border (2)
  • Debate: video bonus (see Google Classroom)
  • Grades 7 or 8: staple PSSA packets during Week 32 (come to my room activity period or study hall)
  • Grade 7: bundle highlighters into groups of 3 colors for PSSA (by the end of Week 32)
  • Grade 8: Anne Frank bonus (posted in Week 32, due April 11)
  • Grade 8: Read a book that takes place during the Holocaust.  In addition to your AR points, you can earn 3 bonus for answering the Google Questions posted in week 28 of Google Classroom.  Due May 1.
  • Creative Writing: Submit work to one of the contests or literary journals I've posted about in the Google Classroom Stream.  See each individual contest for submission deadlines.  Show me the work you are submitting and either submit it here with me or bring me proof of submission.  5 bonus points.
  • Debate: Bird bonus Google Question
  • Grade 8: Sound of Music bonus question
  • CW: have the subject of your Tribute poem come to school to hear you present the poem aloud (May 18)

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