North Clarion County School District

Mrs. Kristen Post - English
Quarter 1 Update
WRITTEN BY Kristen Post ON September 29, 2022

We're over halfway through the first quarter already and the year is flying by because my students are all so awesome!


The Debate class is currently working on their first formal debate.  They're using research and communication skills and are practicing preparing not only their own arguments, but anticipating those of the other team.


The Creative Writing class is working on our Veteran's Day poems as well as starting our Halloween content.


Grade 8  has finished our excellence unit and is currently working on biographies and autobiographies.  Students have biography projects due on October 17 and AR due Oct. 27.


Grade 7  is wrapping up the unit on plot and conflict (Weaving a Story) and will soon be working on their first TDA of the year.  AR is due Oct. 27.


Keep up the great work everyone!  It's a pleasure working with you.

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