North Clarion County School District

Mrs. Becky Chizmar - Social Studies



MS. B. Chizmar





I.          Classroom Rules and Expectations

            A.  Each student will report to class on time. 

               B.  Students will be marked as tardy if not in the room when bell rings.

                         3 tardies = unexcused absence.

                                C.  NO FOOD OR DRINKS INTHE CLASSROOM

            D.  When a student is absent he/she has 3 days to make-up assignments.

            E.  Hall passes and Restroom passes will not be issued during the class period, except in emergencies.

            F.  Students are NOT TO MARK ON DESKS, WALLS OR ANY SCHOOL PROPERTY.         

II.        Classroom Requirements

            A.  All students will be required to bring the following to class each day:

                        1.  a pen/pencil

                        2.  textbook

                        3.  3 ring notebook with filler paper

            B.  All textbooks are required to be covered

III.  Grading Scale and Methods of Evaluation

                        A  = 93%-100%

                        B  = 85%-92%

                        C  = 75%-84%

                        D  = 65%-74%

                        F  = 0-64%

            B.  Resources and Activities

                        1.  Text - Civics

                        2.  Lectures and discussions

                        3.  Group projects

                        4.  Worksheets

                        5.  Video presentations

                        6.  Mock Trials

                        7.  Mock Elections

                        8.  Field Trips

                        9.  Computer Activities

                        10.  Newspapers and Magazines

III.  Content and Instructional Time

            A.  Course Outline

                        1.  The meaning and responsibilities of citizenship (1 week)

                        2.  The development of Constitutional Democracy (2 weeks)

3.  The legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the national government (9 weeks)

                        4.  Political parties, voting, and elections (4 weeks)

                        5.  State and local government (7 weeks)

                        6.  The Bill of Rights (3 weeks)

                        7.  Our living Constitution (3 weeks)

                        8.  The foundations of our legal system (2 weeks)

                        9.  Constitutional court cases (3 weeks)

                        10.  Confronting society's problems (3 weeks)

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