North Clarion County School District

Mr. Andy Bish - Health/PE

Course Syllabus

Physical Education

Mrs. Reinhart / Mr. Bish


     This course includes units on cardio sport activities, the fitness room, the weight room, and the 20 minute run.  Each unit is 11 days long and begins with the 20 minute run.  For the remaining 10 days, students rotate between a cardio sport activity and the fitness room or the weight room so they participate for 5 days on each.  Students take this class every other day all year.   

Daily Required Materials:

      1.  Appropriate P.E. clothes (follow school dress code) and athletic shoes.

      2.  Key or combination lock for locker (optional).

Daily Procedures

  1. Be responsible for dressing to participate every P.E. day.
  2. Students are graded on participation.  Each day is worth 10 points.
  3. If a student does not dress to participate, s/he receives a 0 for that day.  The second time that occurs, the student’s percentage automatically drops to a 65%.  For each additional NC (no clothes) following the 65%, the percentage decreases by 5%.  
  4. A student can make up class after school or during activity period.  It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with Mrs. Reinhart or Mr. Bish.
  5. Every 20 minute run is mandatory.  There are 8 per year.  Only medical excuses excuse a student from a run.
  6. Two parent excuses are accepted per 9 weeks and the student will not have to make up class unless s/he missed a 20 minute run.
  7. Medical excuses should be dated.  If the excuse states “until further notice”, the student would need a dated excuse to return to P.E.
  8. If a student is absent, s/he does not need to make up missed classes unless it was the 20 minute run.


  1. Grades are posted on MMS once a week.
  2. Final exam will be 10% of final grade.  It will be the last 20 minute run of the school year.
  3. P.E. is pass or fail.  75% and above is passing while 74% and below is failing.


      Be responsible in remembering P.E. clothes.  We recommend never leaving anything in the locker room unless it’s locked up.  Remember to make up 20 minute runs and those classes missed due to not dressing to participate.  Participation involves movement!  A healthy body is a healthy mind!


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