North Clarion County School District

Mr. Andy Bish - Health/PE

Course Syllabus

Senior High Health

Mr. Bish


     This course includes units on muscles, bones, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, cancer, nutrition, communicable diseases, noncommunicable diseases, HIV/STDS, heart disease, and the reproductive system.  Students take this class every other day for the entire year.  Students will be graded and evaluated in a variety of different ways including quizzes, tests, homework, projects, reviews, oral reports, and research assignments.

Daily Required Materials:

      1.  Notebook (graded at the end of each quarter)

      2.  Pen/pencil

Daily Procedures

  1. Be responsible for being prepared by bringing notebook and pen/pencil to class each day.
  2. Students need to be conscientious about completing assignments.  If a student does not have an assignment completed by class, she/he has until the end of that school day to complete it and turn it into me.  If that does not happen, the student will receive a zero for that assignment.
  3. If a student is absent, she/he should see me as soon as possible to make up missed work.  Do not wait until the next class that you are here.  Students are responsible for making up missed notes.  I will assign a new due date for the student to complete missed work.


  1. Grades are posted on MMS once a week.
  2. Each quarter will be worth 22.5% of the overall grade.
  3. The midterm will be worth 5% of the overall grade.
  4. The final will be worth 5% of the overall grade.


       Follow directions on handouts when completing assignments or projects.  Pay attention to quiz and test reviews.  Take complete notes.  Be sure to ask for clarification if you do not understand!

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