North Clarion County School District

Mrs. Kristen Post - English
Outdoor Classes

August 21, 2020

Mr. Young and Mr. Baumcratz have been working with our custodians on putting together outdoor classroom spaces.  As long as the technology works out and weather cooperates, I intend to use the outdoor classrooms a few times throughout the first few weeks of school.  Please plan accordingly and bring any sunscreen, sweaters, sunglasses, etc you need to be comfortable in an outdoor classroom.  Thanks!

Summer Reading

August 15, 2020

This is just a reminder that there is NO required summer reading going into the 2020-2021 school year.  I encourage you to read for pleasure and/or get a head start on a book for quarter 1, but you do not have to worry about taking any AR tests the first week back like you usually do.  


Bitmoji Image


Enjoy the rest of your break!

Trending Books

August 13, 2020

If you're looking for a new book to read, try one of these Young Adult books that are trending now:


Most Anticipated YA for the Rest of 2020


I believe one of them is a Romeo and Juliet retelling set in 1920's Shanghai!

Goodreads Recommends

June 09, 2020

The following are YA Lit books recommended by Goodreads for the month of June.  Many can be found in Overdrive, the National Emergency Library, and Amazon.  Also, many public libraries are looking into reopening in July while others are already using a grab and go option, so email your librarian and see when you'll be able to check books out for free.

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes


The Hate U Give




Like a Love Story




Clap When You Land




Felix Ever After




Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You








The Henna Wars




Bone Crier's Moon


End of 2019-2020

June 04, 2020

Wow, it's been a crazy year!  I feel honored to have worked with such a great group of students and parents this year.  Have a great summer!  I look forward to seeing you all in the fall.

MMS-Temporary Zeroes

May 20, 2020

Today (5/20) I'm entering some temporary zeroes into MMS.


Students have until May 29 to complete their assignments.  However, I have provided suggested deadlines to keep students on track.  I feel that work still missing from weeks 1 and 2 may have been forgotten about (suggested deadlines were May 1 and May 8).  I'm therefore entering zeroes for missing work from weeks 1 and 2 to draw attention to those assignments and show students how skipping those assignments is affecting their quarter average.


Once students go back and finish those assignments, I'll return the points.  Please send me an email when the week 1 and 2 activities are completed so I know to go back and take a look at your work.


Again, these zeroes are only temporary.


Thanks and have a great day!

Week 4 Update

May 19, 2020

Summer break is just around the corner!  You're almost there!


Students, please take a moment to double check the following:

  • In our Google Classroom under the Classwork tab, have you completed all assignments posted each week?  Reread the Google Docs to be sure you're not missing anything.
  • In MMS, do you have credit for all the assignments you've completed?  Are there any gaps in the work for weeks 1-3 that you need to go back and take care of?
  • Have you watched the videos and read through the Google Slide that I've posted in Google Classroom for review?  If not, it would be a good idea to do so.
  • Have you retaken any quizzes you scored low on?  Please use the resources in Google Classroom to review prior to retesting.  Let me know if you need help with anything!


Parents, you can check your child's progress in MMS.  I've been updating it every week day, so any assignments without scores have most likely not be completed/submitted yet.  All assignments must be completed by May 29, but I've provided suggested deadlines throughout this experience to prevent procrastination.  Please feel free to email me any questions.  Also, please take a look through our class website.  The Virtual Learning section may be especially helpful to you.


Please note that there was a nation-wide problem with Edgenuity yesterday (May 18) but that the problem is now resolved.


There will be no Summer Reading requirement this year.  Students are, however, encouraged to read independently,  For an infographic about the benefits of reading, click here.  Free books and reading resources can be found here.

Week 3 Update

May 15, 2020

Wow!  You've made it through week 3 of distance learning!  

I am so pleased with the progress I'm seeing.  Most students are working hard, taking their time, checking Google Classroom weekly, and communicating with me.  Good job!

A few quick reminders:

  • Use your resources.  For grades 7 and 8, in Google Classroom I've posted videos, suggested practice questions, and a Google Slideshow of commonly missed questions and how to answer them.  Edgenuity will read the passages and questions to you and provides guided notes, which you can then use on the quizzes.  
  • You can take quizzes up to 4 times, so if you don't like your score just review and then retest.  I can even grant you additional tests after that, but keep in mind I can see how long you spend on each quiz--if you're rushing through in just a couple minutes I probably won't give you those extra retakes!
  • Take your time.  Read the passages carefully, then read the questions and possible answer choices carefully.  Look back at your notes, look up words you don't know, etc.
  • Email me ( if you have any questions!  I'm working 8-3:30 on weekdays (usually more) and will be happy to help you with whatever questions you have.
  • Check Google Classroom and your school email at least once a week so you don't miss any announcements, reminders, tips, new resources, etc.


Keep up the good work!  Summer break is just 2 weeks away!

Week 2 Update

May 07, 2020

We've almost finished week 2 in the direction instruction of our remote education and I am so pleased with my students!  Some of them have even finished the week 3 content already!  Keep it up!

I do have a few reminders, though:

  • Don't forget to check our Google Classroom and your school email weekly (preferably more).  Edgenuity is a big part of what we're doing, but it isn't everything.  You'll need to check in for announcements, assignments, discussions, etc.
  • You have free resources such as Study Island, Brain Pop, and IXL that can be used for extra practice.  So if you do poorly on an Edgenuity quiz, try reading the lessons and doing the practice on one or all of those sites before you retest.
  • Use your resources!  Edgenuity has a highlighting tool, printable guided notes, and the ability to have passages read aloud to you.  Use those tools to your advantage.  You are welcome to use your notes on the quizzes.
  • Quizzes can be retaken a few times. I think you get 4 tries.  So don't just accept a low score--review, practice, and retest.  I will use your highest grade.
  • Communicate!  I am here to help you.  I have tried reaching out by email to some students who look like they're struggling but have not heard back from many.  I can only help you if you let me!  Please feel free to email me any time you need help, too.  I'm here 8-3:30 M-F (except when I have meetings or am running to school) and I am happy to help!  I love hearing from you!  So please communicate any problems you're having.  Let me know which questions or skills are throwing you off and I'll do my best to help.
  • Check MMS.  Edgenuity has a different way of scoring things--check MMS for your actual grade.


That's it for now.  Keep up the good work and have a great week!

Week 1 Update

April 30, 2020

Good morning parents and students,


Week 1 of Direct Instruction is going great!  Most students have participating in our class activities on Google Classroom and Edgenuity (Creative Writing is not using Edgenuity, but all of my other classes are).  Some students have even worked ahead!  I'm very impressed with their dedication.


Please remember that Edgenuity isn't the entire curriculum.  There are also discussion questions and occasionally other small assignments, all of which are posted in Google Classroom.  Students should use our Google Classroom as a hub, checking there a couple times a week and following the directions in the posted assignments.


Guides to Google Classroom and Edgenuity can be found both in the Virtual Learning section of this website and the Classwork feed on our Google Classroom.  Log in codes can also be found in those places.


Please let me know if you have any questions.  I'm so pleased with students' progress this week and look forward to continuing our education over the next month.  Have a great day!


Mrs. Post

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