North Clarion County School District

Mrs. Kristen Post - English
Welcome Back!

July 18, 2017

It's almost time for another exciting school year!  I look forward to meeting new students and reconnecting with those I've worked with in previous years.  We're going to have a great year!


Please remember to read, sign, and return the syllabus: /files/user/31/file/2017%20syllabus(2).odt


Also remember to do your summer reading.  See the district website for more information.


In addition, you'll need to gather your classroom materials.  You'll need pencils, a notebook and folder (or specified section of a binder) designated just for this class, and a book cover.  Don't have a cover?  Use a paper bag or other sturdy paper and follow this tutorial:  I know, it's on a wedding website, but it's still a decent guide.


Parents of new students to the building and/or district, here's a website that has some helpful tips for helping your student transition to middle school:


Most importantly, come ready with an open mind and positive attitude.  


I'll see you all soon!  Have a great rest of your summer.

End of Year

May 31, 2017

It's been such a pleasure to work with you all this year!  Have a great summer.  I look forward to seeing you in the fall!


If you need to get ahold of me during the summer you may email me at, but it may take me a while to respond as I too am on break.  For more urgent issues, call the high school office and they can get ahold of me.



13 Reasons Why

May 10, 2017

Many students have been reading and watching Thirteen Reasons Why.  Below is a resource to help parents talk with their kids about the content on the show and about suicide prevention.

Fidget Spinner Policy

May 03, 2017

Some junior high students have begun bringing spinner toys to class.  After doing some research on these "fidget spinners," I've decided on the following policy for my classes:

A fidget is meant to "enhance concentration, reduce anxiety and stimulate learning" (Chicago Tribune). As these are all positive goals, I will allow fidget spinners as long as they do NOT

  • Distract the student possessing the fidget spinner
  • Distract other students
  • Make noise
  • Get left lying around the classroom
  • Encourage sales or trades within school


Students misusing fidget spinners for any reason including, but not limited to, the bullet points above will have their spinners confiscated for the remainder of the day.  Repeated misuse of spinners will result in further disciplinary action.  If the school creates a policy for fidget spinners, or if additional experience and research leads me to feel it necessary, I may alter this policy.


For connected reading material, see:

Quarter 4

March 22, 2017

We've made it to the fourth quarter!  Students have been working hard and growing a lot as readers and writers.  Here's what we'll be working on at the start of this quarter:


Grades 7 and 8--The PSSA starts in early April, so we're working on review right now.  Study those notes and do practice work on Study Island.  You're all smart cookies and I know you'll do well.

Grade 9--The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas is one of my favorite books and the focus for the next couple months.  See more under Assignments.

Grade 11--We're wrapping up the American Romanticism unit with a research paper (see more under Assignments) and will then explore transition writers Walt Whitman and Emily Dickenson.

microsoft text reading feature

February 28, 2017

Microsoft Word has a neat feature: it will read your document to you!  This can be used to revise papers, listen to the directions typed on linked assignment sheets, etc.  


To use this feature, go to this link and scroll down to the Microsoft Word instructions.  I've tried it on my computer and it works!

Mrs. Post is Back

February 22, 2017

Hello!  I'm glad to be back to teaching my wonderful NC students.  We'll follow the same procedures and rules that we always did before my departure.  Please see the syllabus to review class expectations.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


Grade 9 Update

December 06, 2016
The ninth grade English class has been working on parts of speech over the past several weeks. Learning the parts of speech, which include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections, help to understand the structure of a sentence and improve writing skills. Students took a test on the eight parts of speech December 2nd, and they began a section on verb tenses December 5th. All bonus work is due December 7th; current bonus opportunities are posted on the class website.
Thank you!
Written by Mollie Cochran

Maternity Leave

November 18, 2016

Students and Parents,


I will soon be starting my maternity leave.  It will be wonderful getting to know my new little one, but I'll of course be sad to part with my students.  If all goes according to plan, I should be back in early February to resume my instruction.


In the meantime, please feel free to contact the substitute with any questions/concerns.  You can call the office for their contact information.  The substitute will be familiar with the policies, procedures, expectations, etc. of my class, but ultimately they will be in charge for the next couple of months.  My syllabus and usual policies are subject to change as the substitute decides for that period of time.  Again, please feel free to contact them with any questions.


The substitute will be preparing students for the PSSA, Keystone, and SAT.  They will also be covering content from the curriculum such as: Poetry; Mood, Style, and Tone; Mass Media; Early American Literature; Romanticism; various grammar and reading concepts.  


I look forward to seeing you all again in 2017!


Mrs. Post

Helping at Home

November 02, 2016

Want to help your child study but don't know how?  There are resources for that!


Grades 7, 8, and 11 have an online textbook option.  Parents can access the textbook to help students review, look over assigned questions, use the reference pages/glossary, etc.  Instructions for setting up the online book can be found on the main thread of the class website, or parents/students can just go to  Codes are written on the classroom chalkboard.  The textbook will even read passages to students!


PSSA, Keystone, and SAT prep: Try using  We use this sometimes in class together and sometimes students complete quizzes on their own, but parents are welcome to look through the lessons and read through the passages.  The College Board website is also very helpful for SAT prep, providing vocabulary, practice questions, and even entire practice tests.  In addition, PDE often releases tests from previous years complete with answers and explanations.  Looking through these resources would be very helpful to PSSA and Keystone testers.


Grade 9 English: We have a few extra books this year, and I'd be happy to send one home.  Punctuation and writing skills are the main focus of that book, but the reference pages are helpful as well. is a great resource for studying vocabulary.  Students can make and find flashcards for various subject areas.


Novels/AR books: Almost any novel has an audio version out there on youtube, librovox, audible, etc.  Some of these sources are free, and some offer free trials.  Listening to the book while following along in the text can be very helpful for students struggling with comprehension and recall.  You could also have your child pick an AR book that Mrs. Barron and I both have on our shelves so they can have a copy for at home and at school.  Then you can read along with them, or at least set aside time for them to read in the evening and on weekends.  You can also check the reading level of your child's book at  If your child has chosen a book above their reading level, you may want to encourage them to swap it out for another more manageable text.  I'll be happy to share your child's reading level (based on the STAR test) with you if you email me.  Want to check the maturity level?  Try  Also, students can find practice tests for many of their books on and


Google it.  There are usually free worksheets, quizzes, games, etc. available online for whatever content you need help with.


Email me!  I'll be happy to set aside time before school, during periods 5/6, or after school to help your child, and I can also often copy off extra practice resources to send home with students.  If you need practice for home, I can help.


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