North Clarion County School District

Mrs. Deb Hunter - 5th grade

Homework is an integral part of school.  With that in mind, I feel it is important for students to make up missed class work.  Homework is often graded, and as a result grades will reflect homework assignments that are not completed.  A form will be sent home the first week of school so that I can make every effort to get work sent home to absent students.  If homework is sent home with a non family member, please understand it will be your responsibility to get it from that student.


There is a homework policy for the fifth grade students.  Homework needs to be turned in by 9:15 in the morning.  Any work not turned in by that time (except absent students, late arrivals, etc.) will be considered late.  Students will have until 9:15 the following day to turn in the assignment.  However, there will be a 10% reduction in the grade.  Any assignment not turned in the following day will result in a grade of 0%.


If this happens more than two times, I will notify you,  and then arrange a conference with the student, Mr. Smith, and myself. The student will also be grounded from participating in recess.  Hopefully this will help students keep in mind the importance of getting work handed in in a timely manner!


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