North Clarion County School District

Mrs. Deb Hunter - 5th grade



On Friday April 14, we had the opportunity to visit Clarion University.  While we were there we took part in a variety of activities. 



The students learned about circumference, radius and diameter in a rather unique way.  Each student blew and then captured the outline of a bubble on paper.  Then they used their math skills to measure radius, diameter and circumference of their bubbles.















Students became "detectives" in this activity.  Each group was given a set of white "powders."  By using their senses, and performing tests on the powder using water, vinegar, and iodine, the students were able to determine what each white substance was.











Our students were able to visit the University's radio and TV  station while they were on campus.  Students were able to see how music and talk shows are broadcast from the radio station.  In the TV station they were able to man the cameras, and also work in the control room.  I think some of the students may have found themselves a career!






















After lunch we went to the planetarium.  We  were presented with a program showcasing the night spring sky.  Students were shown how to identify some of the constellations that are now beginning to set and those that are just beginning to rise.  At the conclusion of the program we were treated to a great light/music show.




At the conclusion of the day, students were able to experience a culture very different from their own.  Tibetan Monks were constructing a Sand Mandala in the art gallery of Carlson Library.  Students had the opportunity to work with the tools used to create a Mandala.  One of the monks spent some time answering the students questions as well.











A great big "THANK YOU" goes out to all of the people at Clarion University who helped make such a great day for us!


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